I’ve Got Her
I’ve got the woman in me who constantly wants to rise but feels afraid.
I’ve got the girl in me who is tired, sad, angry, and exhausted.
I’ve got the goddess in me who wants to live in her full power of femininity.
I’ve got the child in me who cries and complains and wants to be heard.
And I nurse all these parts of me. I heal them. I love on them. I give them what they need in each moment. I remind them that they are always safe and supported.
I no longer judge or abuse myself like I used to do. All I have for myself is compassion and love. I am not afraid to look within anymore. Now I want to look. I enjoy digging deep and releasing all the pain.
And I encourage you to do the same.
There are parts of you that feel neglected, unheard, and sad. Take the time to heal. Find a qualified coach to help you.
You are loved.
PS: I have not felt this peaceful, grounded, and happy ever! I look forward to what is to come.