Happy For No Reason
I understand now at a whole new level what it means to choose your emotions. I now wake up and decide WHICH EMOTION I am going to rock for that day. If I fall off, I get back on.
You see, we spend too many years of our lives (if not all) being a victim of our emotions and blaming everything we can for how we live our lives. It is not the shit out there that is making us feel desperate and depressed and angry… it is USÂ who are making ourselves feel those ways.
Wanna be happy? Do the shit happy people do…
Wanna stay pissed? Keep blaming…
You see, it IS that simple. But you don’t get to enjoy the simplicity of life until you recognize that you and ONLY YOU are responsible for how you feel.
It has been a rude awakening for me. Again. At a whole new level.
And you know what? Yeah, it takes hard work and consistency. But so does feeling like shit. So, I’d rather work hard to benefit myself than to hurt myself. Moreover, our thoughts and states of being affect our loved ones and the planet as well. So, think of that while you are at it. If not for you, do it for the ones you love.