Trust Yourself, Not Your Thoughts
Learn to not listen to your thoughts so much especially if they are not serving you.

Thoughts of discouragement, fear, depression, loneliness, and anything not loving can cross your mind but you don’t have to believe them or run with them down a rabbit hole!
You are NOT your thoughts.
You are NOT your past or your current struggles.
While I believe 100% in inner healing and in looking at our belief systems, I also know that while I am working and living my life I am not going to pay attention to every nonsense thought that pops in my head.
I know my power. I know my place. I know the truth of who I am.
So, sometimes I just ignore the thoughts and let them pass.
Because my vision and my mission are way too important to let thoughts define me.
I define myself.
And you define yourself.
Trust your inner voice, your intuition, your gut!
PS: if you want intimate, personalized mentorship to help you overcome trauma, loneliness, low self-esteem, self-sabotage, and any feeling that impedes you from a life of success and happiness… send me a private message to apply a free mini session!