The Ultimate Way to Increase Your Self-Esteem

Don’t get tripped by the simplicity of this!
Back in 2012, my coach Nate Ridgeway told me to write a gratitude list of ALL the talents and gifts I had for 7 days (I recommend you do it for at least 2 months straight).
I was suffering from “nobody wants to buy these shakes from me because I suck” syndrome.
Well, that was true, (LOL), and it was not true at the same time because that was just my perception of myself, so I was attracting and repelling things into my life accordingly.
He said,
“This will immediately shift your focus and perception about yourself.
Remember, it is not what OTHERS think about you, but what you think about yourself.”
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So, I did it, and made it a habit for a while, and it began to shift EVERYTHING in my life (not only my network marketing business).
I went from 7 customers to 104 personal customers.
The book Psycho Cybernetics says, “a human being acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment”.
Said in my own words, you will act and achieve according to your true self-esteem, so do whatever you have to do to raise it and reframe all the bullshit you believe about yourself.
You owe it to your soul to stop living a mediocre, unsatisfied life and to live a life of joy, accomplishment, satisfaction, and abundance.
You have a purpose.
Go be it.