I Allow Life to Be Easy
? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????. I found a way to complicate every step of business, manifestation, and emotional processing. I mean, if it could be complicated, dramatized, or “catastrophized” in any way, I would do it. Why? I may have an idea… because making everything difficult was the way I knew to sabotage my peace and any attempt at self-love. Until I started to understand that ALL our self-talk comes from data. Data from our ancestors, data we have created based on how we interpreted traumas especially when children… Just bullshit data. Untrue, noisy, staticky data which controls not only our self-talk but also how we see…
Welcome to Shifting Into Joy!
Welcome to “Shifting Into Joy: Learn the mindset, tools and habits of happy people”. This is a program for women and men who want to learn how to be joyful no matter the circumstances. We were born joyful and happy. We were also created from pure love. But with the stressors of life and the pain and disappointments, we have forgotten who we are – pure, unconditional love, peace, and joy. Then we fall into emotions that do not feel good to us or anyone around us like sadness, frustration, depression, anxiety, overwhelm… and we wonder how we got here, and if there is even any hope that we can…
Here’s to The Best Version of YOU!
Do you know how to get rid of anxiety, decrease depression, release thoughts that do NOT serve you, and bring into your reality your purest form of joy? I lived way too many years crying, frustrated, panicking about my finances, going from relationship to relationship never finding true connection or peace. Why? Because I was completely disconnected from myself. I was trauma bonding, trauma responding, and triggered every five minutes (aka: depressed, anxious, offended, angry, judgmental, stressed, and broke). Until… I started to search for healing. I began to invest in coaches, invest in home-study courses, attend seminars all over the U.S., and DO the work to heal and live…
A Deeper View On Depression
I have heard different doctors and patients describe depression in their own words, and I, as someone who has struggled with depression since I was a young child, also have described it as best as I could with words. Is it an emotion? Is it a feeling? Is it a hormonal imbalance? Is it a mental illness? What the hell is it that has made me feel like a dark cloud was over me damping and obscuring every step I take? What is this seemingly unshakable, hopeless feeling that I try to cover with smiles and jokes, but deep inside it is eating every possibility of joy? Recently in the…
Betrayal, Abandonment, Pain
Pain hurts. Yes it does. Betrayal breaks the heart. Abandonment pierces the soul. Abuse scar us and causes us to distrust. During my plant medicine ceremonies this year (3 so far) I have learned many lessons, and I am still integrating them. But if there is one loud and clear lesson for me is that everything is temporary. My life in this body, my current situation, my beliefs, my emotions, my thoughts, and my excruciating pain. Plant medicine lets you explore the darkest corners of your subconscious mind and heals your heart and physical body. In my experience, right before you purge the pain is the greatest. You feel like…
5 Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety So You Can Live a Calm, Peaceful, Life
I have dealt with anxiety since I was a small child. Certain traumatic events triggered fear in me, and it became a life-long condition until I started to take matters into my own hands. I have taken care of my own anxiety and helped hundreds of others to do it by using and sharing different natural remedies and techniques. Anxiety happens when we subconsciously or consciously focus on the future. One of the purposes of life is to live in the present, and enjoy it. 1- When anxiety rises, do not resist the feelings that are coming up. Feel it and hear your inner voice. As you allow the feelings…
Master the Art of Scripting!
Scripting can change your entire reality if you do it properly and often. Do it every day for three months, and tell me if your life is not completely freaking different in every aspect that you wrote down! The problem is most people won’t stick to it. This is not magic (although sometimes it definitely seems like it is because next day people can say exactly what you wrote down…). However, this is mainly a process that works with your conscious and subconscious minds, and gives the universe the imagery to work with to bring about your exact outcomes. This is quantum mechanics in the practical. I updated the ????…
The Ultimate Way to Increase Your Self-Esteem
Don’t get tripped by the simplicity of this! Back in 2012, my coach Nate Ridgeway told me to write a gratitude list of ALL the talents and gifts I had for 7 days (I recommend you do it for at least 2 months straight). I was suffering from “nobody wants to buy these shakes from me because I suck” syndrome. Well, that was true, (LOL), and it was not true at the same time because that was just my perception of myself, so I was attracting and repelling things into my life accordingly. He said, “This will immediately shift your focus and perception about…
How to Deal With Feelings of Loneliness
If you are dealing with strong, chronic feelings of loneliness, listen to this short episode of The Happiness Code Podcast. Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts Click here to listen on Anchor.fm
How to Forgive Someone Gracefully
I am going to share with you a powerful, yet graceful way of forgiving someone.
Woman, You Are Heard!
Your story is not insignificant. You are supported by the universe, and nothing that has happened to you is random. Everything you have been through is to teach you a powerful lesson and, if you survived it (which you did because you are here now), it is to serve and help other women. If you are still reading this I know you FEEL it. I know that you know that you are called for more. You are meant for more. And your thoughts and stories are keeping you where you are – angry, stuck, sad, feeling sorry for yourself. I too have been there, and when I meditate, I still…
Your Words Matter
What you have to say matters A LOT. This is for the women who have been silenced and stifled by society, parents, teachers, other women, and men. My beautiful, As you enter this weekend, I want you to understand that the things in your heart that you want to say, but you don’t, actually matter. Your thoughts and words and not insignificant. You are not crazy, and someone telling you to shut up or keep quiet is not okay. Side note: if you have children, please make sure you let them talk. Let’s not traumatize our kids making them think that they are not important enough to be heard. Listen…
Trust Yourself, Not Your Thoughts
Learn to not listen to your thoughts so much especially if they are not serving you. Thoughts of discouragement, fear, depression, loneliness, and anything not loving can cross your mind but you don’t have to believe them or run with them down a rabbit hole! You are NOT your thoughts. You are NOT your past or your current struggles. While I believe 100% in inner healing and in looking at our belief systems, I also know that while I am working and living my life I am not going to pay attention to every nonsense thought that pops in my head. I know my power. I know my place. I…
Quantum Shifting
...we cannot achieve our desires acting like we are acting right now. We have to act like our desired future self would. Only that way we can get to our desires.
How to induce autophagy and the benefits of it!
Autophagy is an organized method that occurs naturally, but its effectiveness declines with age. Cells consume their own waste and non-functional material and use it as a powerful source of energy.
The Resilient Woman
This is a 6-week program for women who have some weight to lose and want to experience more confidence, self-love, and self-worth. You will have encouragement and accountability to not only lose weight but also learn how to keep it off. ▷▷ Do you experience anxiety often and wish you had someone to talk to? ▷▷ Do you feel that if only you had someone to guide you and keep you accountable, you could lose weight and keep it off once and for all? ▷▷ Do you need help setting goals and accountability to achieve them? ▷▷ Have you tried multiple diets, meal plans and trainings only to end up…
A Good Talk About Depression
A good friend inspired me to record this. Depression is real.
Do It Your Soul’s Way
Hello there! This is for those of you who want to promote, sell, or spread a message online and feel stuck. I have been a part of the internet marketing “system” for many years. When I say system I refer to the overall style of training and ideas of how to do and what to do that are massively spread by the internet coaching industry. Basically there are right and wrong ways to do, sell, and market messages/products, and that’s the way it is and the way that most are taught. However, many of those ways to market do not sit well with your soul, and this is why you…
You Good Enough?
No one can make you feel not good enough. When someone says or does something that triggers inadequacy within, it is all based in your preconditioned way of thinking about yourself. Who made you think you needed fixing? What makes you believe like you are not enough? What is “being enough” anyways? What are the parts of you that you think are damaged? There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. That’s the answer.
Why You Are Enough
“You Are Enough” is one of my life mottos and one of my biggest lessons. But truthfully… the question was never about us being “enough”. Of course we are. We were born. That makes us enough! We live in a world where as women we are supposed to do it all, do it fast, and look hot while doing it. Between having to be at the perfect weight with the perfect amount of butt and boobs, having our teeth fluorescent white, having our hair always done, our skin microdermabrased, our sunscreen always on because God forbid we get sun spots, getting our skin exfoliated 2 times a week, drinking the…