The Magnificence of Being a Woman
I heard on a podcast today someone ask “what do you love about being a woman?”… and I started thinking. First not a lot came up since, to be completely transparent with you, I have always associated femininity with weakness and disadvantage. Then I started really thinking and asking my soul what “she” thought. And tell me please your thoughts on this… I love the feminine body, the curves, the beauty, and that we are capable of making babies and bringing them to the world. I love our soft, sweet voice and our unique power to help each other and change the world. I love our passion, our ability to…
Feel the Pain First, and Then Do This…
The other day I posted on Facebook about feeling your pain without guilt… I said that the coaching world nowadays makes us feel guilty if we are having a bad day. Because you are having a human experience, and it is necessary and normal to acknowledge what’s happening inside of you. Now, after you feel your pain with self-compassion and forgive, heal, cry, clear… it is time to turn you head towards gratitude – the one thing that will put you on a path of joy and success. Gratitude will change your existence; it will transform every area of your life. Because really, even if this sounds unfair, our realities…
The Thing About Drama Is…
Drama will slowly destroy us; it will create a story in our mind and have our bodies in fight or flight mode like a freaking bear is trying to kill us. Drama IS addictive, and it will downgrade our energy, our nervous system, and our hormones to the point of SEVERE EXHAUSTION, sadness, anger, depression, and disease. Drama will keep us in the wrong momentum wheel. And for what? Why do we do this shit to ourselves? Because we learned it during our upbringing. Because it makes us feel better to trash other people (the ultimate lie to keep ourselves safe), be the victims, and not take responsibility. And, because…
Another Thought on Meditation
Hello my friend, You don’t have to meditate, just like you don’t have to journal, eat healthy, stop complaining etc… But if you want to be truly happy and truly healthy; if you want to be truly SELF EXPRESSED; if you want to stop hiding and suffering, if you want to crack the CODE to success and joy, you might want to find something that takes your mind and body into a meditative state ( where the mind attains a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state and the person reaches such a level of wholeness, self-sattisfaction, and completion, that you can care less about…
Your Thoughts and Feelings Might Be Fucking You Up
THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS HAVE YOU BY THE COJONES… Our thoughts -and the feelings we associate with them- are so important that they determine our personalities, circumstances, mood, health, financial acumen, mental clarity, the way people treat us, and everything else. And to think that we so quickly blame others for our “stuff”. If you don’t like something in your life. CHANGE IT. Thoughts are magnetic! Each thought affects our energetic field. Change your thoughts and feelings about anything, and you change that thing. Physically changing our lives by removing ourselves from what we don’t if possible (most of the time it is possible) is one way to change our…
Thoughts on Debt and Money…
As I am studying and applying the principles the Money Mentality Makeover e-course in my life, I realize a lot of my belief systems about debt and buying came from resent years (and not from childhood). I used to have a coach about 10 years ago who today coaches people from all walks of life, but back in the day she focused and attracted a lot of network marketers. I went to her events many times since I was in the industry. I am very grateful for her even though today I respectfully disagree with a lot of the concepts she taught. For instance, she taught that if you had…
It is Okay If You Do Not Fit In
Hello my dear friend, If you find you are always trying to fit in, read on… I used to be a great “fitter-inner”. Yet I was always in that unquenchable search for acceptance. I didn’t feel accepted; I didn’t accept myself. I personally have never felt as if I fit in any school group or work environment. For the most part, I have always felt an outsider – the girl with the strange way of thinking, the girl who talks way too deep and way too bold for the average person. The “fitter-inner” strives to acclimate to the environment at hand, whether it is the office, church, networking group, book…
Look Within
I was born in Cuba and raised through the most horrible economic crisis ever seen there. I remember as a teenager having to take a bath with no soap and use baking soda as deodorant. I remember having to put scotch tape inside my sandals to “fix them,” and I remember my mother – a single mother of 3 going to bed with only white rice in her stomach, so the 3 of us could split the two eggs that were left, which she would scramble with some onions (everything she made was always delicious). I tell you some of my story because I know you will understand me better…
The Reason Why You Self-Sabotage
I’m lucky that when I don’t workout my default is to get skinny (no matter how much or what I eat), BUT that doesn’t mean I do not have to work daily on loving myself no matter my size. I do daily mindset work on my belief systems (via writing), and I do daily mind training (via meditation). Honestly, if I didn’t, I would be like I was before: depressed, lost, unfocused, hating my body. My point: no matter your size or fitness level, you have got to do some form of mind training every day to grow and evolve. You have got to write your thoughts so you get…
Be Careful You Don’t Judge in the Name of Love!
Hey friends, I just have to share this before my heart explodes. I have come across several religious people on social media in the last 24 hours who in the name of Jesus and the Word of God, are excruciatingly judgmental of anything that doesn’t sound familiar to what they hear in their religious institution or to what they think they know. Ouch! Here is what I have to say to the judgmental, religious folk: Listen, if you want to love and bring people to the Lord, which is what Christ came to teach, yet you judge everyone who is not a Christian then you are missing the point completely!…
First I Got Happy, then I Attracted The Things
Hello my friend! This happened by accident… When I started to meditate in January this year, my sole purpose was to once and for all shake off the feelings of sadness. I wasn’t doing it as a new years resolution, and I definitely wasn’t trying to attract more money. The depression I had was so strong and so apparently inexplicable, that I just wanted to have joy. Like I have written in previous posts, I have had an overriding sense of joy many times in my life, but it didn’t seem to last. This was due to many reasons that I won’t go into in this post. I tried changing…
Struggle with Depression? Read This!
I know depression very well. It used to be a daily visitor. I know its eyes and spirit. It’s like a lonely soul looking for love. Sometimes I welcomed it, for it was so familiar and friendly, that it made me feel “at home”. Sometimes I ran and ate greens and took amino-acids. I rushed to the gym and then to the beach and then to the massage spa… I begged God to set me free; I blamed myself; I blamed others… All to find some answers that worked some times but nothing definite. My all too familiar depression friend kept coming back. Until… I realized it was a physical…
4 inches from my waist gone in 4 weeks!
Hello there! Well, the last 4 weeks have not been easy or “stable” for me. I have cried, I have laughed, I have jumped for joy at my results, and I have been frustrated with impatience. But guess what? I lost 4 inches from my waist, and I gained 3 1/2 inches through my arms, legs, and hips. So, I am very proud of myself and very grateful to my coach Eric Creech! All I want from this blog post is that you take this with you: It takes time, consistency, trust, faith, and much patience to have a great physique. Please, love your body and give it time to…
You Can’t “Fix” Perfect
Imagine a flower asking her Creator to please fix her so she can look like a tree… “Please God, change me. I don’t fit in! I am not tall and strong like the trees around me.” This is exactly what we do as humans when we compare ourselves to each other. We think we are so inherently messed up, that we might as well give up on life, OR endlessly look for someone or something that can “fix” us. I was thinking yesterday that subconsciously I’ve always wanted to find someone or something that would help me “awaken” from what I think is wrong with me, my anger issues, the…
If you think you don’t have what it takes to be fit, think again
Hello hot stuff, If you think being fit is beyond your will power, I am here to shatter your miserable dream and help you see a new reality. Being fit is not really that difficult. It is a choice that once you make, your hunger, your cravings, your addictions, your beliefs, and your incompetent, jealous, family members and friends will not be able to stop it. I want you to really understand this, my friend. Making this choice is really not that difficult. It is way more difficult staying out of shape, miserable, ill, sad, depressed, tired, and confused about your worth. Here is the wrecking ball that will break your…
My Comeback Into Pro Fitness Training
Eight days ago I decided to train as an athlete again. When I say “as an athlete” I mean 6 days a week, twice a day, accompanied by an extremely specified meal plan for my body. Needless to say, my body is very sore. I have cravings for sugar, carbs, fat, and dairy which I have to ignore by drinking more water (a gallon a day). But… it is all freaking worth it! Do you know why? Because I want to be lean, flexible, energetic, and sexy. And I will do whatever it takes. You might think, “but you don’t need to exaggerate and go to the gym 6 days…
Happy For No Reason
I understand now at a whole new level what it means to choose your emotions. I now wake up and decide WHICH EMOTION I am going to rock for that day. If I fall off, I get back on. You see, we spend too many years of our lives (if not all) being a victim of our emotions and blaming everything we can for how we live our lives. It is not the shit out there that is making us feel desperate and depressed and angry… it is US who are making ourselves feel those ways. Wanna be happy? Do the shit happy people do… Wanna stay pissed? Keep blaming… You…
How To Be Very Energized So You Can Crush Your Goals
Hello my friend, I know if you are reading this it is because you could use some more energy and motivation through your day. If you feel like you always need caffeinated drinks, sodas, cocaine, or any other “upper” to get energized, this blog is going to help you. I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in the United States, there is an energy crisis. The energy drink industry is a 27 Billion dollar industry (last I heard), and it is expected to continue to grow as they target the young generations to secure the next few decade’s sales. However, I am going to show you a…
Women: Should You Really Look Your Best?
Hello, ladies, I am writing this just for you. Should we really care about how we look? If you look deeper, this is a discussion about self-love… So, the question should be, do you love yourself enough to always look your best? Looking our best, from our underwear to our hair to our clothes to our hands and feet, has much to do with the perception we have of ourselves and our “deserving level”. How much do you love you? No, really. I know, I know. There are many folks out there who go to the gym everyday and dress to perfection and still lack self-love. It’s their journey to walk.…
Operate From Joy Starting Today
I mostly operate from joy nowadays, but staying in a state of joy for extended periods of time used to be quite the task. I always wanted those moments of intense joy and bliss – those which superimpose themselves over any worry, sadness, or challenge I might be experiencing at the moment, and I would achieve them sometimes, but then I would lose them. I mean, we are not supposed to be blissed out all the time… we live on planet earth, but we are much better off when we operate from a state of joy than from a state of stress or any low emotion. Not that long ago…